What I Aim To Achieve In EGabriel's Boot Camp And How I Plan To Achieve Them

What I Aim To Achieve In EGabriel's Boot Camp And How I Plan To Achieve Them

  1. Learn the fundamentals of C# programming: One of my primary goals for the boot camp is to develop a solid foundation in C# programming. I plan to learn key concepts such as variables, data types, loops, arrays, and conditional statements.

  2. Develop a portfolio of projects: Building a portfolio of projects is an excellent way to demonstrate my skills to potential employers. I have plans of developing several projects of increasing complexity throughout the boot camp. Applications such as Restaurant app, FinTech app, Library app e.t.c.

  3. Collaborate with peers: Collaboration is an essential skill for software development. I have a set goal to work with my peers on group projects or code reviews to improve my ability to work in a team.

  4. Participate in coding challenges: Coding challenges are a great way to hone my skills and test my knowledge. I have set a goal to participate in coding challenges or hackathons during the boot camp.

  5. Get feedback from instructors: Instructors can provide valuable feedback to help me improve my skills. I already have a goal to seek feedback from instructors regularly, and use their suggestions to guide my learning and development.

  6. Get Jobs : I plan to get a backend Engineering job where I will write codes with the C# language and showcase the skills and knowledge I got from the boot camp.